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🛣[Deep Learning]Stanford CS224w:Machine Learning with Graphs



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Heterogeneous graphs(异构图)

异质图(heterogeneous graph,也称异构图),又被称为异质信息网络(heterogeneous information network,也称异构信息网络)。区别于同质图(homogeneous graph),它是一种具有多种节点类型或多种边类型的图数据结构( graphs with multiple nodes or edge types),用于刻画复杂异质对象及其交互,具有丰富的语义信息,为图数据挖掘提供了一种有效的建模工具和分析方法。同时,异质图数据也是一种广泛存在的数据类型,例如知识图谱,社交网络数据。

  • Relational GCNs

  • Heterogeneous Graph Transformer

  • Design space for heterogeneous GNNs

A heterogeneous graph can be defined as :

\[ \mathbf{G} = \{\mathbf{V}, \mathbf{E}, \tau,\phi \} \]
  • Node with node types: \(v \in \mathbf{V}\)

  • Node types for node: \(v:\tau (v)\)

  • Edge with edge types: \((u,v) \in \mathbf{E}\)

  • Edge types: \((u,v): \phi (u,v)\)

heterogeneous graph's relation type for edge \(e\) is a tuple:\(r(u,v) = (\tau(u,v), \phi(u,v), \tau(v))\)

Relation GCN(RGCN)

How do we extend GCNmodel to handle heterogeneous graphs?

\[ h^{(l+1)}_v = \sigma( \sum_{r \in R} \sum_{u \in N^r_v} \frac{1}{c^{r}_{v}} W_r^{(l)} h^{(l)}_u + W_0^{(l)} h^{(l)}_v ) \]
  • \(c^{r}_{v}\) is the number of relations of \(v\), for normalization.

  • Each neighbor of a given relation:

\[ m_{u,r}^{(l)} = \frac{1}{c_{v,r}} W_r^{(l)} h^{(l)}_u \]
  • Self-loop
\[ m_{v}^{(l)} = W_0^{(l)} h^{(l)}_v \]
  • Aggregation:
\[ h^{(l+1)}_v = \sigma(Sum(\{{m_{u,r}^{(l)} , u \in N^r_v}\}) ∪ \{m_{v}^{(l)}\}) \]

Block Diagonal Matrix(分块对角矩阵)

Basis Learning

Firstly, assume \((E, r_3, A)\) is training supervision edge, all the other edges are training message edges

  • Use RGCN to score the training supervision edge \((E, r_3, A)\)

  • Create a negative edge by perturbing the supervision edge , e.g. \((E, r_3, B)\), \((E, r_3, D)\)

Note that negative edges should not belong to training message edges or training supervision edges.

  • Use GNN model to score negative edge

  • Optimize a standatd CrossEntropy loss

  • Maximize the score of training supervision edge

  • Minimize the score of negative edges

\[ \mathcal{l} = -log \sigma (f_{r3} (h_E,h_A)) - log (1-\sigma(f_{r3} (h_E-h_B))) \]

Hits@k:一个评估信息检索系统性能的指标,常用于推荐系统、搜索引擎和图神经网络(GNN)等场景.对于给定的预测列表,如果真实的元素出现在列表的前 k 个位置中,则认为是一个成功的预测(Hit)。Hits@k 指标计算的是所有成功的预测占总预测次数的比例。

Reciprocal Rank (RR):一个衡量信息检索系统性能的指标,它特别关注最相关结果的排名。在推荐系统、搜索引擎、图神经网络等领域中,这个指标用来评估模型预测的准确性和相关性。在给定的查询中,取最相关结果的排名的倒数。如果最相关的结果排名越靠前,其倒数(即 Reciprocal Rank)就越大,表示系统的性能越好。

Understanding RGCN(paper)

阅读地址:Modeling Relational Data with Graph Convolutional Networks

假设有向标记图\(G=(V,\epsilon,R)\),其中节点\(v_i \in V\),有标签的边为\((v_i,r,v_j) \in \epsilon\),关系类型\(r \in R\).


\[ h_i^{(l+1)} = \sigma \Big( \sum_{m \in \mathcal{M}_i} g_m (h_i^{(l)}, h_j^{(l)}) \Big) \]