🛣[Deep Learning]Stanford CS224w:Machine Learning with Graphs
👀一些资源: B站精讲:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1pR4y1S7GA/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click&vd_source=280e4970f2995a05fdeab972a42bfdd0
Slides: http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224w/slides
Heterogeneous Graphs Transformer(HGT)
Innovation: Decompose heterogeneous graph to Node-type and edge-type dependent attention mechanism
Each relation \((Type(s), Relation(e), Type(t))\) has a distinct set of projection weights
Understanding Heterogeneous Graph Transformer
阅读地址:Understanding Heterogeneous Graph Transformer
Design space of Herterogeneous GraphNNs
Observation: Each node could receive multiple types of messages from its neighbors, and multiple neighbors may belong to each message type.
Within each message type, aggregate the messages that belongs to the edge type with \(AGG^{(l)}_r\). Aggregate across the edge types with \(AGG^{(l)}_{all}\)