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🛣[Deep Learning]Stanford CS224w:Machine Learning with Graphs



👀一些资源: B站精讲:


Reasoning over KGs

Goal: How to perform multi-hop reasoning over KGs?

  • Path Querise

An N-hop path query q can be represented by

\[ q = (v_a ,(r_1,...,r_n)) \]

Question: What proteins are associated with adverse events caused by Fulvestrant?

  • \(v_a\) is : e:Fulvestrant

  • \((r_1,r_2)\) is (r:Causes, r:Assoc)

  • Query: (e:Fulvestrant,(r:Causes,r:Assoc))

Because the completed(probabilistic) KGs is a dense graph, we need a way to answer path-based queries over an incomplete knowledge graph

Task: Predictive queries

  • Want to be able to answer arbitrary queries while implicitly imputing for the missing information

Key Idea:Embed queries

  • Generalize TransE to multi-hop reasoning.

  • Query embedding: \(q = h + r\)

  • Goal: query embedding \(q\) should be close to the answer embedding \(t\)

\[ f_q(t) = -||q - t|| \]

Since TransE can naturally handle compositional relations, it can handle path queries by translating in the latent space for multiple hops using addition of relation embeddings.(DistMult / ComplEx can't)

  • Conjunctive Queries

Conjunctive Queries: What are drugs that cause Short of Breath and treat diseases associated with protein ESR2?

(e:ESR2, (r:Assoc, r:TreatedBy)), (e:Short of Breath, (r:CausedBy))

How can we use embeddings to implicitly impute the missing edges?

  • Query2Box

Projection Operator \(\mathcal{P}\):

Intuition:Take the current box as input and use the relation embedding to project and expand the box

\[ Cen(q') = Cen(q) + Cen(r) \]
\[ Off(q') = Off(q) + Off(r) \]

How do we take intersection of boxes?

How do we define the score function \(f_q(v)\) (negative distance) ?

\[ d_{box}(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{v}) = d_{out}(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{v}) + \alpha \cdot d_{in}(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{v}) \]

where \(0< \alpha <1\)

Intuition: if the point is enclosed in the box, the distance should be downweighted.


\[ f_q(v) = -d_{box}(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{v}) \]

AND-OR queries (union operation)

E.g.: What drug can treat breast cancer or lung cancer?

AND-OR queries: Conjunctive queries + disjunction, called Existential Positive First-order (EPFO) queries.



Key idea: take all unions out and only do union at the last step

Logically, any AND-OR query can be expressed as a disjunction of conjunctive queries.

Distance between entity embedding and a DNF \(q=q_1 \cup q_2 \cup... \cup q_m\) is defined as:

\[ d_{box}(\mathbf{q},\mathbf{v}) = \min( d_{box}(\mathbf{q_1},\mathbf{v}),..., d_{box}(\mathbf{q_m},\mathbf{v})) \]

Training Query2Box

  • Training:

  • Smaple a query \(q\) from the training graph \(G_{train}\), answer \(v \in [q]_{G_{train}}\),and a negative sample \(v' \notin [q]_{G_{train}}\)

Negative sample: Entity of same type as \(v\) but not answer to \(q\)

  1. Embed the query \(\mathbf{q}\)

  2. Calculate the score \(f_q(v)\) and \(f_q(v')\).

  3. Optimize the loss \(\mathcal{l}\) to maximize \(f_q(v)\) while minimize \(f_q(v')\).

\[ \mathcal{l} = -log \sigma(f_q(v)) - log(1-\sigma(f_q(v'))) \]

Query Template

A Simple Example

We use t-SNE to reduce the dimension of the embedding space to 2D for visualization.

TP (True Positive):实际为正,预测也为正。TN (True Negative):实际为负,预测也为负。FP (False Positive):实际为负,但预测为正。也被称为 I 类错误或“假阳性”。FN (False Negative):实际为正,但预测为负。也被称为 II 类错误或“假阴性”。

Understanding Query2Box